Android is one of the most heard Buzzword these days. Android is one of the leading Operating System for mobile devices. It is developed by google and it is unique in the sense as it is an Open Source project. Google is actively developing and consistently making refinements to it, so as to make it No.1 OS for mobile devices.
Open Handset Alliance:
Google formed a group of hardware, software, and telecommunication companies called the Open Handset Alliance with the goal of contributing to Android development.
There are lots of android phones available in the market. Big Companies like HTC, Samsung, LG are actively partcipating in the development of android based devices. Android devices are available in various configurations as android supports many screen sizes and resolutions, sensors etc....
Android Market
Android have a dedicated Application Store/Market known as 'Android Market'. There are loads of applications available in this market for users. Most of the applicaton are free for download and some are available in free as well paid version for download.
Following are the versions of android released till date......
Android Market
Android have a dedicated Application Store/Market known as 'Android Market'. There are loads of applications available in this market for users. Most of the applicaton are free for download and some are available in free as well paid version for download.
Following are the versions of android released till date......
Android 1.5(Cupcake), 1.6, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, Android 2.3(GingerBread), and Latest(till date) one is HoneyComb(3.0)...
For how to develop for android keep reading the further post......